"The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth." - H. L. Mencken
√ Checklist - Are you the Happier Abroad type?
Do most or all of the following statements apply to you?
- You don't fit into America and always felt that you didn't vibe with the mainstream population or conformed with it in thought.
- You feel perpetually fragmented and disconnected in America, both inner and outer, which makes you insecure, weak and feeling unworthy. Thus, depression and void are always waiting around the corner, waiting for you to sink into it.
- Your romantic, social and psychological needs are unmet or deprived in America, which you feel has a dysfunctional social culture and environment.
- You do not live only to work and consume, as the US media and culture says you should and will lead to your happiness an fulfillment.
- You feel perpetually lonely, dateless and sexless in America, and most of your relief from it is only short term or temporary, despite your best efforts. And you are a decent nice guy who is not a jerk, asshole or abuser.
- You feel that the US dating scene for men is a total nightmare rifed with insane problems and gross inequities.
- You want to have CHOICES among quality attractive available women rather than being a victim and having to accept whatever's given to you.
- In order to have CHOICES, you are willing to pursue dating on a GLOBAL scale rather than limit yourself to only local options, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that.
- You require companionship with beautiful women or a great sex life to be fulfilled, but you rarely obtain them.
- You are open minded enough to try alternative solutions even if they are unconventional, unpopular or look shameful to your peers. You don't care what others think as long as you are happy.
- You do not seem to make true, quality or deep connections with others in the US, but you want to. You dislike superficial fleeting friendships and relations in the US.
- You hate cliques and the pretentiousness and fakeness that goes along with them in US culture, particularly along the coast.
- You do not "live to work" like most Americans but "work to live" and are not a workaholic. You live to enjoy life, and to have adventures and rich experiences.
- You do not feel bored or guilty if you have free time or a long vacation from work.
- You do not view competing in the "rat race" as the ideal life that gives you purpose and meaning.
- You do not have a completely materialistic mentality, nor do you judge others by materialistic standards.
- You feel like a fish out of water in America and are wondering if you belong somewhere else, despite all your best efforts to ???fit in??? or find a niche.
- In school your peers and classmates believed that the primary purpose in life was to study hard so they could make lots of money and retire wealthy. Yet you felt that there was something wrong with that, but you never dared speak out about it due to the fear of being seen as weird or a freak.
- You don???t share the societal belief in America that life is all about having a career and being a workaholic until you retire in your 50???s or 60???s past your prime.
- You not believe consumerism culture which teaches that buying more and more things leads to happiness.
- You seem to relate and connect best with freespirits, artists, actors, writers, intellectuals and travelers, or New Age progressive types, finding very little in common with average Americans who merely live to make money and consume, lacking the capacity to question things.
- You fit in neither the US workaholic camp or the hippie counterculture camp that does drugs and is a bit delusional, but are caught somewhere in between.
- You are a nonconformist, freespirit, and live a Bohemian lifestyle (and I don???t mean that of a drug using hippie), and wonder if you would be better accepted by some culture/society outside the US.
- You are a freespirit, freethinker or counter-culturalist, but not a hippie who uses such views as an excuse to smoke pot and parade around to stupid concerts with other hippies.
- You don???t feel that your soul clicks or fits in American culture and society. You are drawn to or attracted to foreign cultures, as if your soul belongs elsewhere.
- You find American pop culture and lifestyle to be boring, unintellectual, pointless, and unfulfilling.
- You feel that there is something wrong with the people, culture, society, and mentality in America but can???t quite put your finger on it and are afraid to voice it due to fear of condemnation.
- You feel like a misfit in America or feel discontent but are afraid to complain or talk about it openly due to fear of being seen as a freak or loser.
- You are perpetually dissatisfied with social life, dating scene, and the anti-social paranoid mentality in America.
- You often feel like you???re in a sci fi movie or the Twilight Zone, where everyone around you is infected with some kind of anti-social disease and don???t like to interact or meet people, while you seem to be the only one immune.
- You are a nice, outgoing, sociable, interesting, positive person in America but has few or no good friends or dates, and can???t understand why, but deep in your heart you know the problem isn???t you.
- You find it hard to vibe with the average American, finding little in common with them, and you find the conversations at parties to be shallow, trite, and dull.
- You feel that people and their conversations/communication styles in the US are fake and unnatural, and you are tired of ???acting fake??? to go along with the flow of it.
- You feel excluded from the dating scene in America, but believe that your love life can and should be fun, happy, and natural like portrayed in movies. You are ready to listen to someone who can show and prove to you that it not only can be as what you see in Hollywood fantasies, but even better.
- You are a decent man who finds that despite what Hollywood portrays, in real life, few normal decent single women are available and almost none make themselves available.
- You are a lonely sexually frustrated man in the US who has tried everything, from attitude/image changes to dating guides/gurus, but are still disappointed.
- You are wild, uninhibited, or have strong desires of some sort that are condemned in the states. Thus, acting on your desires is inappropriate or ???out-of-bounds??? in the US. Simply put, you can???t be ???who you really are??? in the US without feeling like a creep or condemned freak. Therefore, you feel suffocated.
- You like to have fun, meet great people, and date great people but aren???t having any luck breaking into the right ???social cliques??? and find it unnatural and awkward to even try.
- You are such a sociable, outgoing, people person at heart that you talk to strangers as if you already know them. However, you feel awkward about it due to the barrier of ???breaking the ice??? with strangers in America as well as the inappropriateness of socializing outside of closed cliques.
- You didn???t break into a good social clique early on in life, find it difficult to break into cliques around you, lack connections, and thus feel out of luck since most people in America limit their social life to people within the cliques they grew up with.
- You find Americans in general to not be friendly or sociable, despite what anti-social Americans claim, and you are sure the problem is not you.
- You are bothered that everyone is an ???island??? in America, in their own ???bubble or force field??? (polite but distant and noninclusive) and see that as not normal.
- You believe that due to corrupt US foreign policy, worsening economic conditions, peak oil crisis, etc. that America is going down. So you wish to live or raise your family elsewhere as a backup or safety net in case things go downhill, but aren???t sure where is best for you.
- You ???discovered yourself??? on an overseas trip, and found that you somehow evolved or grown in a special, phenomenal way that wouldn???t have been possible in America. You are trying to make sense out of it and integrate it into your being, but are afraid of sharing the experience with those around you who can???t relate.
- You are a perpetual traveler or want to be one and haven???t bought into the US media???s misportrayal that the world outside the US is nothing but terrible and dangerous.
- You are unhappy in America and you KNOW that seeking help from therapy/counseling or changing your attitude through self-help/New Age books/programs, however well-meaning, will not give you what you need, and that a bigger change is needed.
If you answered yes to most or all of the above, then you MAY very well be
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