Ebook Catalogue
Front Cover
Photo Collage
You Will Have A Better Love and Life Beyond
Happier Abroad Grand
Table of Contents
(Chapters available for preview are linked in blue below. To order, use the PayPal button at the bottom of the page)
Foreword by Ladislav, Chief Advisor of Happier Abroad
Photo Collage of My Dating Life Abroad
Quotes and
Praises of
Winston Wu from Fans, Friends and Advisors
- How I was “saved
abroad” once
- Why we can’t look to
the US media for
truth about a better life abroad
A BIG SECRET I want to share with you!
Why people
culture and
· Highlights of general differences
· Why America is bad for Social Life, Dating and Mental Health
· What America is
good for
and what it isn’t
· Bland cookie
architecture vs. rich stimulating one
· Meeting
people - clique restrictions vs. free-flowing
· Isolation/exclusive vs. Communal/inclusive atmosphere
· Talking to
strangers -
· “Breaking the
ice” – Proof that Americans are uncomfortable talking to
· In
· The big
social Catch-22
· Why I am incompatible with the American social environment
· New! Closed cliquish
business cultures vs. Open passionate social cultures
· Americans by their actions love being lonely workaholics
- Study shows that more money = less social
· Documented proof
anti-sociality in America in one of the worst places
- Visual proof of
isolationist social environment on ferry ride vs. the opposite
· Identity
determined by cliques vs. who
you are
· Friendships
- US vs. most countries
· Interconnectedness
Separateness: Why Americans overinflate
and try to "fit in"
- Why Americans tend to overinflate
their ego/confidence/attitude
- The conflicting oxymoron
of trying to
"fit in"
- Some offshoot effects of “separateness” in America
· New! Fragmentation
Wholeness: Why you feel alone and insecure in America
· Family
harmony vs. Fight for control
· Artificial
smiles/greetings vs. sincere ones
- Study shows that fake smiles/greetings can lead to bad health
- "How are you?" - How Americans reinforce fake
optimism with each other
· Social
communication style - artificial/plastic front vs. natural/relaxed
· American laughter
constrained/inhibited vs. Foreign laughter
– flowing/uninhibited
· Lack
of intellectual curiosity in
· Cultured Foreigners vs. Uncultured Americans (specific examples)
· Intellectuals
young and old
· Persecution
of geeks and nerds –
· Being
different or a misfit = alienation in
· Blacks and Asians -
Inferiority complex vs.
wholesome integration
· Rich inner life
vs. total emphasis on
· Letters
from typical American vs. European youngsters (See for yourself)
· Young
people - empty bags of air vs. depth
· Nightlife:
· American
Culture/Life = Hype + Consumerism
· Propaganda vs. Real Life in America
- The life of the typical married American man
· New! Debunking the Myth of Freedom and Democracy in America (with Facts and Overseas Experiences)
- Freedom
- Hypocrisy
of freedom of speech
- Wars and your patriotic duty to support them
· New! The Big Lie: Why America is all about Control and Conformity, not Truth or Freedom
· New! Four Catch-22’s in America you’re not supposed to see
· Why immigrants don’t
assimilate well in
· Updated! What immigrants and foreigners say about America that you never hear in the US media
- 10
Surprises for foreigners who think America is "open, wild and free"
· The US
media’s misportrayal
of other countries vs. Reality
· Careers
and the workaholic mentality in America
- Attitude toward work:
American/Oriental vs. European/Australian/Latin
- Parable of The Fisherman
and The Investment Banker
- How YOU can live in freedom and pleasure abroad - the simple SECRET!
· New! The
True Purpose of Education
in America: Indoctrination, Buffer Class, Dumbing Down
· New! Will you be a Robot or Bum? Is there a Third Alternative?
- Here's a quick way out of the system
· Updated! Why
pop culture is dumb and our Education system is so bad
· Film and Media:
Entertainment vs. Art
· Inverse
between social atmosphere and paid friendliness
· Fragile/high
strung egos vs. thick skin/carefree attitude
· Bragging and
competitiveness of male ego
vs. brotherly camaraderie
· Pseudo-confidence and
paranoia - 2 elements of
American personality
· Studies that show
to be the most dysfunctional in the industrialized world
- Highest
prison population in the world
- Highest
incidence of rape
- Higher homicide rates than
other industrialized
- Increase
in wealth failed to increase happiness for Americans
- Poorer countries having
happier people than
- Highest rates of mental
illness in the world
- Studies show
and isolation to be national epidemics in America
- Biggest
obesity crisis in the history of the
- The
most unhealthy and sick population among industrialized nations
- US slips down
development index
· Comparing
quality of life:
- Ideas about
freedom and security:
· Europe safer
for lone female
travelers than America
· The rigid compartmentalization of American life - Is it freedom?
- Why I
experience truer
freedom in the third world – A touching rant from the heart
· Disadvantageous American
quirks not shared in other cultures
- Advantageous qualities of America
not shared in other cultures
· Why
hippie counter-culture
groups aren’t the answer to my ostracization
in America
· Fattening
processed food vs. wholesome natural food
- A simple way to lose weight that the US media is oblivious to
· Public
transportation - USA vs. Europe
· Healthcare
in America –
The most expensive and unaffordable in the world
Women and dating
· Why Global Dating works for any average decent male
- 7 Useless cliches given to dateless men in America
· New! Why PUA doesn’t really work but Global Dating does
New! Upper vs. Lower Tiers: Different
dating markets for men
- Mr.
Local vs. Mr. Global
· Meeting and dating women
· Single men outnumber single women in America (research and statistics)
- Women have it much easier in
social and dating scene
· Why
· Holding conversations with women
· European/Russian
women have a better combination of qualities
· Fear
of rejection becoming unnecessary
· Surplus
vs. shortage of attractive mentally healthy single women
· Beauty and brains common
vs. rare
· Personal ads and
New Age groups –
- Why personal ads in the
- Dating profiles comparison:
American vs. Foreign women (with examples)
· Admiration
vs. hatred for men
· The “men are creeps” attitude of American women
- Weird paranoid fantasies
about stalkers?
· US Feminism = female dominance, male bashing, double standards
· Updated!
Negative media portrayal
of men in
- A fantastic politically incorrect
revealing discussion about women
· New! How
Feminism Destroys the Femininity in Women and Love
· American women have become too narcissistic and paranoid
· Why American women don’t make good wives - narcissistic and sociopathic
- Divorce rates: American vs. Foreign women
- American women initiate the
majority of divorces
· Updated!
Faces of Foreign Women (Visual Proof)
- What guys don’t
understand about the fear of approaching women
· Reaction from
women: Hatred and Antisociality vs.
Enthusiasm and Attraction
· Public eating
places -
· Hypocritical
arousal and restraint of desires in our society
- The myth of sexual
freedom in
· Great news for dateless frustrated men about Asia, Philippines and Thailand
· My perpetual
ecstasy in the
· Why I like Filipinas the best - as lover, playmates and best friends
- How a Filipina transformed this man's life and self-worth
- The pros and cons
of Filipino characteristics
· How a normal guy
can have a lifestyle
like Hugh Heffner (and I mean in REAL LIFE not in theory)
· Asian men perceived as
asexual and undesirable in
- Why USA is the worst place for Asian men who like white women
- The two choices
that Asian
American men face (by an Asian American in Europe)
- Elated responses from Asian American men
· The best solution to the Asian American man’s dating dilemma (by my Expat Advisor)
· 8
reasons why Asian men have a better social life in
news for Asian and Black men about Europe
· Dating advice from a
mono-national who thinks inside the American box vs.
- Response
from my Expat Advisor to the mono-national advice
- Response
from Asian American in
· Never in the game vs.
always in the game
· 10 Reasons why
forced to look for love beyond America
- Logical reasons why my standards are
not too
high in America
· Updated! Aren’t foreign women just after your money and a green card?
- 12 Reasons why Russian women are not
desperate to leave their country
· Far
less risk abroad for men marrying women half their age
· Updated! Testimonials
that dating is all about location, location, location!
· Why
many American men now prefer foreign women (other perspectives)
Personal psychological issues
· Feeling good about
yourself and being wanted
· The
social status factor for me
· The metaphysical
influence of the collective will on social status
· Having
the life of a popular person
- From little fish in big pond to big
fish in small pond
· Confidence
and psychological
maturity accelerated overseas
· The
reverse culture shock of knowing that you had it better abroad
- Students and Backpackers in Reverse
Culture Shock
· Synergy vs. stagnation with the people and environment
- Why
“fitting in” makes you
more attractive to others
· Default
loneliness and isolation
vs. Perpetual connection and bond
- Forced
loneliness vs.
never having to be lonely
- Am
I too negative or hateful about America?
- The sad truth about my negativity and deep resentment
- Am
I a loser? Is this site for losers?
· The
alternative to going abroad – Why it’s inferior
· Updated! FAQ's -
Frequently Asked Questions and Objections
· I’m not
alone - Letters from fans
and supporters
· Concrete
visual proof of my claims from thousands of photos and videos (with
responses from viewers)
· Disadvantages of
being outside
· Wrapping it up
- The bottom line
- A final warning
- What I hope to accomplish with this
· Register and
in the Happier Abroad Discussion Forum
· Learn from my Expat Advisor – Visit his Blog
· Suggestions for relocating and working overseas
- Dealing with the
pitfalls of being an expat
· International Dating Sites and Links
· Travel / Expat Links and Resources
· Addendum: Excerpts from “The European Dream
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1) The Happier Abroad Guide to
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making a living overseas, adapting to different cultures,
2) Winston's
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Men – Everything I know about traveling and dating in Russia
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